Can you be vegan and Muslim? Simple as it may seem, it is a critically important question for many Muslims who are considering going plant-based. Through reading, meeting people and asking questions, dancer and copywriter, Diyana now has a deeper understanding what it means to be empowered by rahmah (compassion and mercy), and hikmah (justice and wisdom), a principle that has its roots abound in the holy Quran. As a Muslim vegan herself, Diyana is in a unique position to be able to talk about the deep-seated traditions and many cultural beliefs surrounding the consumption of meat, the treatment of animals and how going plant-based can benefit not only our health, but also the environment. Diyana also recently self-published and e-book to help Muslims to kick start their plant-based journey, Ramadan Vegan Transition: A Guidebook. In this interview, Diyana talks about a range of topics including how she’s enjoying festivities like Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha as a vegan, and how her diet impacts her stamina and overall performance as a street dancer.
View this post on Diyana's Instagram.
Tell us about your love for street dance–when did it start and how did it change your life?
My love for it started from watching movies like Step Up, Street Dance and Footloose when I was younger. I didn’t get into the street dance scene until about 2 years ago, though. Before that, I was just doing Zumba and school performances. Nevertheless, dancing has always been an escape for me. Now, it’s a way for me to express parts of myself that I can’t do any other way and also to connect with people.
What other sports, activities, adventures do you do? What sort of dance training do you do?
In terms of dance styles, I’m currently learning all sorts but mainly hip hop, popping and urban choreography. Other than dance, I like to go hiking or trekking.
...we can’t ignore the cruelty that’s subjected to animals in factory farms which also goes against Islamic teaching.
In addition to your active lifestyle, your stories reflect a passion for an environmentally conscious lifestyle, as well as veganism. How did this all start for you? What is your philosophy on veganism?
It all started when I learnt about factory farming and veganism. Before that, I was somewhat aware of recycling but I wasn’t really conscious about sustainable lifestyles. But watching Cowspiracy definitely opened my eyes to how animal agriculture impacts the environment and the general concept of over consumption. Once you know about factory farming, you can’t ignore the victims–the animals who are bred in small enclosures and harsh conditions only to be brutally slaughtered. As an empath, I feel for their struggles. So once I understood the situation, I took action by going vegan and then continuing to learn about other environmental issues.

How does eating vegan improve your performance as a street dancer?
To be honest, my strength improved so much after switching to a vegan diet. I feel like I have more energy and I rarely feel sluggish. I didn’t use to be very active so being vegan has helped a lot with my fitness level.
Does your weekly meal plan change when you’re busy at work or with other creative projects, and how is it different when you’re taking time off from everything?
I don’t really have a meal plan at the moment. I just stick to the few types of food that I’m comfortable and familiar with. If I’m out, I’d usually just buy food at cafes or mamak restaurants instead of bringing a packed lunch. When I’m at home, I’d cook simple, quick meals.
Fast fashion and competitive capitalism are ruthless and they both present themselves everywhere, it isn’t always easy to choose responsible products and sustainable brands. As a vegan dancer, have you been able to find products that meet your ethical and environmental needs?
It’s actually quite difficult to find ethical clothes for dance or active wear. For example, my inner tops are from Uniqlo and I don’t think I can get it anywhere else. But I’m mindful of buying only a few that I need.
What essential tips do you have for athletes or more specifically, dancers planning to adopt a plant-based diet?
Eat a lot of carbs and know that you need to eat larger servings. Eat less of the junk or processed foods and go for wholefoods–vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds and fruits. You need all the nutrients you can get for muscle repair!
You also share quite a bit of your favorite home cooked meals using plant-based ingredients that most people already have in their pantry, which is super cool because it makes cooking plant-based more accessible. Do you have a favorite recipe that you can share with us?
As a Muslim vegan, did you ever have to “defend” your beliefs? How do you reconcile your faith with your vegan lifestyle?
This is a tricky topic that I’m still trying to navigate through. On one hand, the religion does allow animal slaughter for sustenance and as Muslims we can’t deny God’s words. At the same time, we can’t ignore the cruelty that’s subjected to animals in factory farms which also goes against Islamic teaching. So for me personally, I choose to not eat meat for ethical and environmental reasons but at the same time, I acknowledge that slaughtering certain animals with certain strict conditions is allowed.
When fasting, our bodies are on reset mode as we consume less food. So, it's a good opportunity to introduce vegan food into our tummies!
How do you navigate and celebrate festivities like Eid al Fitr and Eid al Adha? Have you been able to veganize and enjoy classic dishes that are traditionally meat-based?
Yes! I’ve eaten tempeh rendang during Eid as well as the accidentally vegan kuih-muih like onde-onde, tepung pelita and popiah.
What are your go-to suhoor meals during the Ramadan month?
Oats with bananas, nuts and dates!
What advice would you share with fellow Muslims who are new on their plant-based journey?
Know your why and learn about nutrition or as a general rule, eat lots of carbs, beans, green leafy vegetables and fruits!
What exciting projects do you have planned for the future?
I’m currently focusing on educating the community about veganism and writing articles on my blog while juggling my copy writing work. You can check out my freelance-related writing on Medium. In terms of dance, I’m just training my body to reach a certain mobility and fitness level so I could perform better. I wish to take more international workshops in the future.